The of "Da Qing Coin as the Ten Texts" began in 1900(26th year of in the Qing ) and ended in 1911( three years). the time was only more than ten years, its , a total of 17 and 20 . of its , well-, and rare world, was known as one of the top ten in coins.
Ding Qing coins as money ten text
Ding Qing coins as money ten text
藏品价格:咨询价 price
This Ding Wei Da Qing coin was used to make ten coins for the year. In the front bead , the word "Da Qing coin" was cast, and the lower edge of the was "when the money was made". "; There is a map on the back, and the green rust of the Red spot is . If you touch it with your hand, you can feel the and on the cool . This coin is and has few . After years of , it is in the bones. The are . It is a coin and has a very high value. At the same time, it has far- and is also a rare for and on and .
on the value of the :
“ 大清铜币”,背面是一条栩栩如生的神龙。在中国,收藏家极其喜欢这枚钱币,因为中华民族是龙的传人,在民间传说,“大清铜币”背面的龙,能增加一个人的气运,使其时刻在龙气的保护下,趋吉避凶。所以“大清铜币”一直深受收藏家的喜爱,大清铜币版式繁多“大清铜币当制钱十文”铸造始于1900年,尤以当十者为最。多位清帝在位时发行过铜币来作为流通货币,铜币的使用具有重要的现实意义和历史意义大清铜币乙酉当至二十,使交易逐渐便利起来。而如今,大清铜币也具有一定的收藏价值,许多收藏家对大清铜币爱不释手,现如今已可遇而不可求。
"Da Qing coin", the back is a . In China, love this coin very much the is the of the . to , the on the back of the "Great Qing Coin" can a 's luck and make it under the of ., to avoid evil. , "Da Qing Coin" has been loved by . There are many forms of Da Qing Coin, when the ten are the most. the reign of many Qing , coins were as for . The use of coins has and , the . Today, coins also have a value. Many can not put down the Qing coins. Now they can not be found.
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